Cheryl Lucas marries two disparate disciplines into this collection of works, the creation of ceramic sculpture, and drawing. By using clay to create three dimensional works, but utilizing artist made ceramic pencils and chalks to draw onto the surface of her ceramic pieces, she adds a two dimensional element to each object, and in the process creates a hybrid - drawn ceramic or ceramic drawing, depending on your point of view.
After training in lithography in London, Cheryl Lucas taught drawing and ceramics in Christchurch, New Zealand for several years, but since 2005 she has concentrated on her own practice, working from her studio in Lyttelton, New Zealand.
Perhaps influenced by the process of drawing onto the lithographic stone, Cheryl Lucas has a fascination with translating her ideas between three dimensions to two dimensions and back again.
In 2007, Cheryl Lucas along with five fellow New Zealand ceramic artists, including Moyra Elliott, Richard Parker, John Parker, Chris Weaver and Mark Mitchell, were invited to the prestigious FuLe International Ceramics Museum (FLICAM) in Xi’an, China, to create works for the new Australasian Museum section. The full complex consists of international ceramic museums, a brick & tile factory, hotel, and a 65 hectare orchard.
Following the time spent in China, her work has gone from strength to strength. 2011 saw Lucas awarded the inaugural Sculpture on the Peninsula Award on Banks Peninsula in Canterbury, New Zealand and she has mounted several critically well-received solo exhibitions in New Zealand and group exhibitions in France, Hong Kong and New Zealand. This will be her first solo exhibition in Asia.
When: September 1 - October 13, 2012
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm
Where: Koru Contemporary Art 16th floor, Unit 1604, Hing Wai Centre 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
*** Car Parking available ***
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Enquires: Sarah Gordon Ph:2580 5922 email: