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China Premier Chou En Lai signing with Polish Premier Cyrankiewicz, Beijing
Chairman Mao with Russian President Voroshilov on Beijing street, Beijing
Chairman Mao with China Premier Chou En Lai at a reception in Peking Hotel. Beijing
Chairman Mao at a reception in Peking Hotel. Beijing
Chairman Mao, China Premier Chou En Lai and Russian President Voroshilov at a reception, Beijing
Chairman Mao at a reception in the Peking Hotel, Beijing
Chairman Mao at a reception in the Peking Hotel, Beijing
Chairman Mao, China Premier Chou En Lai and Polish Premier Cyrankiewicz at a reception in the Peking Hotel, Beijing
Chairman Mao talking to the leader of the East German Delegation, Mr Hermann at the airport, Beijing
Chairman Mao talking to the leader of the East German Delegation, Mr Hermann at the airport, Beijing
Chairman Mao and Russian President Voroshilov at the airport, Beijing
Chairman Mao, Tenth Anniversary Celebration, Tien An Men, Beijing
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