Other events in September 2014:
South Island Art Day
Rick Swain Sculpture - A Retrospective
Koru Contemporary Art is pleased to announce that it will be included in the Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2014. Koru Contemporary Art will be exhibiting photographs from New Zealand's most acclaimed photographer – Brian Brake (1927-1988).
The exhibition will focus on images Brian Brake captured in China around 1950s some of which have previously been shown at Art Basel HK, 2014. The photographs are serious, thoughtful, factual, and at times so beautifully visual that the viewer can forget that Brake's magnificently organized pictures are showing a regimented society. These images captured through the very discerning eyes of an astute artist who many commentators believe was very much ahead of his time.
When: September 6 - September 20 2014
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 6pm
Where: 1604, 16F Hing Wai Center, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
“China is not a country where one arrives.
To be there at all is sufficient, for – once you are there – the rest of the world does not exist.
China is a pattern; there the pattern belongs to its country more intimately than in any other land I know. I have seen the laced water of paddy fields in the East; but in China, perhaps because of the trees, or because of the silk reflections of the mist-laden skies, the impressions is manifestly Chinese.
What is it, this ingrained Chinese-ness? Perhaps it is the way that the long civilization and astronomical millions of people have profoundly modified their country. Three or four thousand years of intensive, detailed gardening – slowly they have made the land their own. Now it is special to them, like their faces, their language, their painting, their boats, and even their toys.
This quality seems to have passed down through Chinese time without radical alteration, absorbing and redefining everything that comes from without. It is the undivided Chinese-ness of the manner of thought that strikes a visitor like myself.”
- Brian Brake, 1978